

So close
  1. American Physical Society (APS) Outreach Minigrant.
    In 2014 we were awarded a $5000 grant to carry out a small science outreach documentary with title: Condensed Matter Physics, So Close and Such a Stranger. We published it online in Jan 1, 2016, in English and in Spanish.
    We also carried out an interview to Prof. Paul Canfield. More interviews coming soon!

  1. Instituto Nicolás Cabrera (INC) Outreach Awards.
    Within the program of awards for students of the INC of the UAM, I directed a short documentary with title: Majorana Fermion, carried out by the physics student Victor Barrena. It was published online in Oct 9, 2014.

Youtube videos

  1. Interviewed for the video Este Español Ha Revolucionado los Materiales Cuánticos, carried out by José Luis Crespo within his YouTube channel QuantumFracture. Published on the 18th of May, 2020.

  2. Participation in the script writing of the video La física de lo complejo . This is a promotional video about the Condensed Matter Physics Insitute (IFIMAC) of the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM), carried out by José Luis Crespo and with the participation of various members of the IFIMAC. Published on 28th of September, 2017.


  1. Quantum computation. Interview for La2 Noticias, TVE2, on the 12th of September, 2017.

  2. Grafeno: Un desafío para la ciencia. Interview for the documentary by Carolina González as part of the course on Scientific Journalism (Carlos III University), on the 2nd of November, 2010.

  3. Interview about graphene in Para todos, TVE2 on the 27th of October, 2010.

  4. Graphene in the news in Telediario TVE1 on the 18th of October, 2010.

  5. Interview about graphene in CNN+ on the 6th of October, 2010.

  6. Graphene in the news in Telediario Cuatro on the 5th of October, 2010.

Press and web

  1. 'New type of superconductor discovered', interview for Advanced Science News on the 12th April 2023, by Patricia Contreras Tejada.

  2. 'Descubierta una “impostora” que simula ser una partícula de Majorana, el santo grial cuántico', interview for Technology section of the Spanish newspaper El País on the 13th January 2023, by Raúl Limón.

  3. 'Elsa Prada: “El campo de los qubits topológicos basados en modos de Majorana necesita un salto cualitativo en la calidad de los materiales”', interview for ICMM-CSIC webpage on the 11th January 2023, by Ángela R. Bonachera.

  4. 'Investigadores revelan la existencia de partículas ‘impostoras’, un nuevo avance hacia una computación cuántica robusta', interview for ICMM-CSIC webpage on the 14th December 2022, by Ángela R. Bonachera.

  5. 'Se busca ordenador cuántico: razón, Miraflores de la Sierra', interview for the science section of the Spanish digital newspaper El Condidencial on the 7th September 2017, by Antonio Villareal.

  6. 'La revolución de la tecnología cuántica protagoniza la XXIV Escuela Internacional de Verano Nicolás Cabrera', interview for the announcement of the summer school on topological materials funded by Fundación BBVA on the 1st September 2017.

  7. 'Materiales para el futuro', invited article published in the magazine Matador, La Fábrica. Volume S dedicated to the future. Dec 2016.

  8. 'La revolución del grafeno', interview for the section "Nanotecnología" of the Spanish newspaper El Mundo on the 28th of May 2013, by Teresa Guerrero.

  9. El arma secreta del número 1 mundial: Djokovic, el serbio empleará la próxima temporada una raqueta fabricada con grafeno, un material revolucionario. Interview for an article in the Spanish newspaper Marca on the 18th of December 2012.

  10. 'El periódico electrónico y enrollable llegará en 2015', interview for the science section of the Spanish newspaper El Mundo on the 12th of October 2012.

  11. 'Grafeno, el material del futuro', interview for the science section of the Spanish newspaper El Mundo on the 15th of April 2012.

  12. 'Pantallas flexibles: la revolución del grafeno', interview for the science section of the Spanish newspaper El Mundo on the 25th of November 2011.

  13. 'Grafeno, el material del futuro', invited article for the UAM Gazette, Unidad de Cultura Científica, on the 10th of March 2011.

  14. 'Superteflón' para el hogar del futuro, interview for the science section Eureka of the Spanish newspaper El Mundo on the 14th of November 2010.

  15. Nobel para la ciencia muy buena, pero no aburrida, analysis article in the Spanish newspaper El País on the 2nd of November 2010.

  16. El grafeno: transparente, flexible, buen conductor y Nobel de Física 2010 in rtve.es on the 5th of October 2010.

  17. Grafeno: Historia de un descubrimiento, analysis article in the Spanish newspaper El País on the 6th of August 2010.


  1. Grafeno, el material de las mil aplicaciones , interview in "Esto me suena. Las tardes del Ciudadano García", RNE, on the 21st of January, 2014.

  2. Què és el grafè? , program in "D'avui no passa", RNE, presented by Sonia Urbano, on the 2nd of November, 2010.

  3. La revolución del grafeno , interview in "La Ventana", Cadena Ser Radio, with Gemma Nierga, on the 6th of October, 2010.

  4. Pero el grafeno, ¿qué es?, interview in "La Brújula", Onda Cero Radio, with Carlos Alsina, on the 5th of October, 2010.


Class titled Outreach on New Materials Science within the Degree of Expert on Public Communication of Science, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM).
  1. Date: 3 February, 2014

  2. Date: 26 October, 2016

  3. Date: 31 October, 2017

  4. Date: 30 October, 2018

  5. Date: 27 October, 2020

  6. Date: 4 November, 2021

February 11, International Day of Women and Girls in Science

My avatar is Quantsa! 😊