Hi! My name is Elsa Prada and I'm a condensed matter theorist working on systems where quantum phenomena play an important role, such as low dimensional materials and nanostructures. See my research interests below.
Since 2020 I belong to the Materials Science Institute of Madrid (which is part of the Spanish Research Council) as a tenured scientist. Within the department of Theory and Simulation of Materials, our group is called Quantum Dynamics of Materials (QUDYMA). Currently I am Head of the Theory Department.
ORCID: 0000-0001-7522-4795
Web of Science: A-4792-2010
Scopus: 9238304800
Throughout my career, my research has dealt with the following topics:
Topology in electronic systems
Topological insulators
Topological superconductors
Majorana zero modes in hybrid nanowires, quasi-Majoranas
Graphene and other 2D crystals
Monolayers, multilayers, twisted bilayers, superlattices
Magnetotransport, quantum Hall effect
Spintronics, pseudospintronics, valleytronics
Quantum pumping, out of equilibrium phenomena
Elastic deformations, folded nanoribbons, straintronics
Excitons, optoelectronics
Electron and spin transport in mesoscopic systems
Hybrid nanostructures with superconductors, Josephson effect
Spintronics, spin-orbit interaction, spin relaxation
Current fluctuations and Full Counting Statistics
Entanglement in condensed matter physics
Generation: non-local spin-entangled electron pairs from superconductors, other entanglers...
Evolution: in the presence of decoherence and spin-orbit interaction
Detection: by means of Bell inequalities, shot noise, concurrence