Curriculum Vitae

Personal information

Elsa Prada
Madrid, Spain, 20th June 1976
(+34) 91 334 9080
Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid (ICMM)
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC)
C/ Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz 3, Cantoblanco
E-28049 Madrid, Spain
E-mail contact

Academic titles

  • Graduate in Physics by the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM).

    • Major in Theoretical Physics.

    • Dates: 1994-1999.

  • Doctor in Physics by the UAM.

    • Title: "Generation, evolution and detection of entanglement in nanostructures".

    • Date: 21st of April 2006.

Contracts and fellowships

  • Tenured scientist at the Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid (ICMM), Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), Spain. Group: Theory of Quantum Materials and Solid State Quantum Technologies. Dates: From July 2020.

  • Ramón y Cajal fellow: tenure-track position at the Autónoma University of Madrid (UAM), Madrid, Spain. Department: Condensed Matter Physics. Dates: from November 2012 till June 2020.

  • Postdoctoral contract JAE-doctor at the Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid, CSIC. Advisor: Luis Brey Abalo. Dates: from November 2009 till October 2012.

  • Research Associate contract at Lancaster University. Advisor: Henning Schomerus. Dates: from September 2008 till October 2009.

  • European Union - (ESR) Marie Curie Research Training Networks contract at Karlsruhe University. Director: Gerd Schön. Dates: from February 2005 to April 2008.

  • FPI Grant by the Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid (CAM). Dates: from October 2002 to January 2005.

  • Brief Stay Grant for Research in a Foreign Institution by the CAM. Place: Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa. Dates: from the 18th of March to the 1st of June, 2004.

  • Short Scientific Visit Grant by the European Science Foundation (Quantum Information Theory). Dates: from the 8th to the 15th of June, 2002.

  • FPU Grant by the Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte. Dates: from April 2001 to September 2002.

  • Post-graduate Studies Grant from UAM. Dates: from October 2000 to March 2001.

  • Telefónica Training Grant: Technology Department in the corporation Telefónica de España. Dates: from January to September, 2000.

Research grants and funding

  1. Research grant from the Spanish government:
    Title: Correlations, superconductivity and topology in quantum materials and quantum technologies
    Funding agency: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Gobierno de España
    Project number PID2021-125343NB-I00
    Principal Investigators: Ramón Aguado Sola and Elena Bascones Fernández de Velasco
    Other participants: 5 senior and 4 junior participants
    Funding: 139150 €
    Duration: 01/September/2022 – 31/August/2025

  2. Research grant from the Spanish government:
    Title: Many-body attosecond optoelectronics in two-dimensional crystals
    Funding agency: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Gobierno de España
    Project number PID2021-122769NB-I00
    Principal Investigators: Pablo San José Martín and Rui Emanuel Ferreira da Silva
    Other participants: 3 senior and 3 junior participants
    Funding: 96800 €
    Duration: 01/September/2022 – 31/August/2025

  3. Research grant from the Spanish government:
    Title: Topología y correlaciones en materiales cuánticos y tecnologías cuánticas de estado sólido
    Funding agency: Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, Gobierno de España
    Project number PGC2018-097018-B-I00
    Principal Investigators: María José Calderón Prieto and Ramón Aguado Sola
    Other participants: 7 senior and 4 junior participants
    Funding: 200000 €
    Duration: 01/January/2019 – 31/August/2022

  4. Research grant from the ICMM-CSIC:
    Title: Josephson junctions based on full-shell Majorana nanowires
    Principal Investigator: Elsa Prada Núñez
    Funding: €5000
    Duration: 01.11.2020 – 31.10.2021

  5. European collaborative research grant:
    Title: Andreev qubits for scalable quantum computation, AndQC project
    Program: H2020-EU.1.2.1. - FET Open, FETOPEN-RIA-2018
    Reference: H2020-FETOPEN-2018-2019-2020-01 Number 828948
    Principal Investigator: Attila Geresdi, Chalmers University. Spanish node: Alfredo Levy Yeyati, UAM
    Participant nodes: Chalmers University of Technology (Sweden), TU Delft (Netherlands), Budapest University of Technology (Hungury), University of Copenhagen (Denmark), CNR (Itlay), UAM (España), CEA (France) and University of Basel (Switzerland)
    Funding: Spanish node: €336.250 (total €3.484.107,5)
    Duration: 04.2019 - 04.2023 (four years)

  6. Collaborative research grant from the Autonomous Community of Madrid:
    Title: Novel two-dimensional materials: characterization, properties and applications
    Type: Collaborative project from the Autonomous Community of Madrid and European Structural Funds
    Reference: P2018/NMT-4511
    Principal Investigator: Francisco Guinea, IMDEA Nanoscience. UAM node: Iván Brihuega
    Participant nodes: IMDEA Nanociencia (Francisco Guinea), UAM (Iván Brihuega), ICMM-CSIC (Pilar López Sancho), ISOM (José Luis Prieto Martín), UPM (Fernando Calle Gómez), FIDAMC (Roberto Guzmán de Villoria)
    Funding: UAM node: €156.256 (total: €783.525)
    Duration: 2019 - 2023 (four years).

  7. European collaboative research grant:
    Title: Engineering topological superconductivity in graphene
    Call: FLAG-ERA Joint Transnational Call (JTC) 2017
    Acronym: TopoGraph (Reference Number: JTC-2017_017) Reference: Topograph PCI2018 - 093026
    Principal Investigator: Péter Makk, BUTE and UniBas, Hungury. Spanish node: Pablo San-Jose, ICMM-CSIC
    Project partners: BME-Eötvos (Hungury), TUDelft (The Netherlands) y CSIC (Spain)
    Funding: ICMM node: €156.256 (total: €783.525)
    Duration: 01.05.2018 - 30.04.2021 (three years).
    Webpage: here

  8. Research grant from the Autonomous Community of Madrid:
    Title: Topological superconductors and Majorana modes
    Call: Ayudas para la contratación de investigadores predoctorales de la Comunidad de Madrid, a través del Programa Operativo de Empleo Juvenil y la Iniciativa de Empleo Juvenil (YEI)
    Reference: PEJD-2018-PRE/IND-8372
    Principal Investigator: Elsa Prada Núñez
    Funding: €25000
    Duration: 03.2019 - 0.3.2020 (one year).

  9. Research grant from the Spanish government:
    Title: Colective states in low dimensional materials
    Funding agency: Ministerio de Economía y Competividad, Gobierno de España
    Project number FIS2016-80434-P
    Principal Investigators: Juan José Palacios Burgos and Elsa Prada Núñez
    Other participants: 3 students
    Funding: 43000 € + FPI contract
    Duration: 01/January/2017 – 31/December/2020.

  10. Research grant from the Spanish government:
    Title: From two-dimensional crystals to zero-dimensional structures: Mechanical and electronic properties
    Funding agency: Ministerio de Economía y Competividad, Gobierno de España
    Project number FIS2013-47328-C2-1-P.
    Principal Investigators: Juan José Palacios Burgos and Elsa Prada Núñez.
    Other participants: 2 senior participants and 3 students (in Madrid)
    Funding: 37000 €
    Duration: 01/January/2014 – 31/December/2016.

  11. American Physical Society (APS) Outreach Minigrant:
    Title: Condensed Matter Physics, so close and such a stranger
    Funding agency: American Phsyical Society, USA.
    Researchers: Elsa Prada (project's leader), Isabel Guillamón and Enrique Sahagún
    Funding: $5000
    Date: 14/February/2014
    Comments: Subsequently we also obtained funding from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM), 1000€, and the Grupo Especializado de Física del Estado Sólido (GEFES-CSIC), 1000€.

  12. Research grant associated to Ramón y Cajal contract:
    Title: Quantum transport in graphene and topological insulators
    Funding agency: Ministerio de Economía y Competividad, Gobierno de España
    Principal Investigators: Elsa Prada Núñez
    Funding: 15000 €
    Duration: 01/November/2012 – 31/October/2014.

Organization of scientific events

  • Co-organization of the CMD29 minicolloquium Bound states in hybrid superconductor nanostructures organized by the European Physical Society (EPS) and IOP Institute of Physics in Manchester, UK, 21-26 August, 2022.

  • Co-organization of the online seminar series IFIMAC+ICMM Joint Seminar Series on condensed matter physics. This is a collaborative effort between the Condensed Mater Physics Center (IFIMAC-UAM) and the Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid (ICMM-CSIC). Starting date: 3 December, 2020.

  • Co-organization of the CMD29 online series Bound states in hybrid superconductor nanostructures organized by the European Physical Society (EPS) and IOP Institute of Physics, 28 June- 29 June, 2021.

  • Co-organization of the minicolloquium Hybrid semiconductor-superconducting nanostructures: from Andreev to Majorana bound states within the online international conference CMD2020GEFES , 31 August- 4 September, 2020.

  • Co-organization of the XXIV International Summer School on Topological Materials, La Cristalera, Miraflores, Madrid, 3-8 September, 2017.

  • Organization of the scientific program, selection of the speakers and presentation of the Center for Functional Nanostructures (CFN) Summer School on graphene, Bad Herrenalb, Germany, 28-31 August, 2007.

  • Collaboration in the logistics of the 2003 Annual Meeting Nanoscale Dynamics, Coherence and Computation, Mallorca, Spain, 1-4 October, 2003.

Invited lectures at conferences and summer schools

  1. Full-shell hybrid nanowires and the search of Majorana bound states. Presented at the Quantum Designer Physics 2024 workshop, San Sebastián, País Vasco, Spain. Date: 16-Jul-2024.

  2. The search for Majorana bound states in hybrid nanostructures. Presented at the Instituto Nicolás Cabrera Young Researchers Meeting 2023, La Cristalera, Miraflores de la Sierra, Spain. Date: 15-Dec-2023.

  3. Full-shell hybrid nanowires and the search of Majorana bound states. Presented at the Bound states in superconducting nano devices conference, Thermal Margaret Island, Budapest, Hungury. Date: 11-Jun-2023.

  4. Full-shell hybrid nanowires and the search of Majorana bound states. Presented at the Control and Dynamics of Quantum Materials conference, Kardinal-Schulte-Haus, Bensberg, Germany. Date: 30-May-2023.

  5. Caroli-de Gennes-Matricon states in full-shell nanowires. Presented at the Quantum Designer Physics 2022 conference, Donostia International Physics Center, at Miramar Palace, San Sebastián, Guipúzcoa, Spain. Date: 18-Jul-2022.

  6. Topological superconductivity and Majorana modes for quantum computing: a materials science perfective. Presented online at the @FlipPhysics workshop at IFIC (CSIC/UV) Valencia, Spain. Date: 23-Mar-2022.

  7. (One of the) latest Majorana nanowire designs: ferromagnetic hybrid nanowires. Presented at the Toposuper2021 - Online conference on emergent topological superconductivity. Date: 7-Jun-2021.

  8. Latest semiconducting nanowire designs in the search for Majorana modes: ferromagnetic and full-shell hybrid nanowires. Presented at the KITP Online Conference: "Majorana zero modes:New developments in experiment and theory, and the road ahead". Date: 26-May-2021.

  9. From Andreev to Majorana bound states in hybrid superconductor-semiconductor nanowires. Presented at the APS March Meeting 2021. Date: 19-March-2021.

  10. From Andreev to Majorana bound states in hybrid superconductor-semiconductor nanowires. Presented at the SRITP workshop “Frontiers of Quantum Matter”, Weizmann Institute, Rehovot, Israel. Date: 11-Dec-2019.

  11. Topological insulators and superconductors. Plenary Lecture presented at the conference “XXVII International Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics", Sevilla, Spain. Date: 4-Sep-2018.

  12. Topological materials. Two-hour tutorial presented at the "X edition of the GEFES meeting", Valencia, Spain. Date: 23-Jan-2018.

  13. Zero-energy pinning from interactions in Majorana nanowires. Presented at the workshop “Majorana States In Condensed Matter: Towards Topological Quantum Computation", Mallorca, Spain. Date: 20-May-2017.

  14. Topological superconductivity: Majorana fermions in nanowires. Presented at the workshop “Advances in nanostructured superconductors: materials, properties and theory", Miraflores, Madrid, Spain. Date: 5-May-2014.

  15. Small-angle twisted graphene bilayer under interlayer bias. Presented at the conference “Graphene Week 2013”, Chemnitz, Germany. Date: 4-June-2013.

  16. Transport spectroscopy of NS nanowire junctions with Majorana fermions. Presented at the worshop “Majorana Fermions in Condensed Mater”, Lorentz Center, Leiden, The Netherlands. Date: 3-July-2012.

  17. Single-parameter pumping in graphene. Presented at the KITP conference “Fundamental Aspects of Graphene and Other Carbon Allotropes”, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA. Date: 13-January-2012

  18. Quantum pumping in graphene. Presented at the conference GEFES 2010, Zaragoza, Spain. Date: 3-February-2010.

  19. Hybrid graphene structures. Presented at the 2007 CFN Summer School on Nanoelectronics, Bad Herrenalb, Germany. Date: 29-August-2007.

  20. MC-RTN work package 1: Quantum Coherence. Presented at the conference: “Marie Curie Advanced Study Institute: Quantum Optics and Computation”, Riomaggiore, Italy. Date: 3-April-2006.

  21. Bardeen Tunneling Hamiltonian in 3D applied to NN and NS interfaces. Presented at the VII Jornada Científica del Instituto de Ciencias de Materiales Nicolás Cabrera. Residencia La Cristalera, Miraflores de la Sierra, Madrid. Date: 16-December-2003.

Invited seminars at universities and research institutes

  1. Searching for Majorana bound states in superconductor-semiconductor nanostructures. Presented at the department of Applied Physics in Aalto University, Finland. Host: Jose Lado. Date: 25-January-2024.

  2. From Andreev to Majorana bound states in hybrid superconductor-semiconductor nanowires. Presented online at the IFIMAC+ICMM Joint Seminar Series, Autonomous University of Madrid campus. Host: María José Calderón. Date: 11-February-2021.

  3. Colloquium: From Andreev to Majorana bound states in hybrid superconductor-semiconductor nanowires. Presented online at the ML4Q Science Seminars series, Universities of Cologne, Aachen, Bonn, and Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany. Hosts: Fabian Hassler and Markus Müller. Date: 04-February-2021.

  4. Colloquium: From Andreev to Majorana bound states in hybrid superconductor-semiconductor nanowires. Presented online at Utrecht University, The Netherlands. Host: Lars Fritz. Date: 21-October-2020.

  5. Colloquium: Majoranas in Condensed Matter: topology and non-locality. Presented at the Condensed Matter Theory & Quantum Computing department of Basel Univesity, Switzerland. Host: Jelena Klinovaja. Date: 27-April-2018.

  6. Helical networks in twisted graphene bilayer under interlayer bias. Presented at the Condensed Matter Physics department of Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain. Date: 28-May-2013.

  7. Multiple Andreev reflection and critical current across a topological transition in superconducting nanowire junctions. Presented at the physics department of the Kavli Institute of Nanoscience at Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands. Date: 25-April-2013.

  8. Transport spectroscopy of NS nanowire junctions with Majorana fermions. Presented at the Departamento de Física Teórica de la Materia Condensada CV, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain. Date: 17-October-2012.

  9. Quantum spin Hall effect in mono- and bilayer graphene. Presented at the Mesoskopische Physik department, Würzburg University, Würzburg, Germany. Date: 14-December-2010.

  10. Quantum pumping in graphene. Presented at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain. Date: 26-May-2010.

  11. Quantum pumping in graphene. Presented at Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid - CSIC, Spain. Date: 11-March-2010.

  12. Quantum pumping in graphene. Presented at Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain. Date: 13-January-2010.

  13. Quantum pumping in graphene. Presented at Lancaster University, UK. Date: June-2009.

  14. Pseudo-diffusive magnetotransport in graphene. Presented at the Universitat de les Illes Balears, Mallorca, Spain. Date: 8-April-2009.

  15. Pseudo-diffusive magnetotransport in graphene. Presented at Lancaster University, UK. Date: 8-October-2008.

  16. Pseudo-diffusive magnetotransport in graphene. Presented at the ICMM-CSIC, Madrid, Spain. Date: 20-December-2006.

  17. Introduction to graphene physics. Presented at Karlsruhe University, Germany. Date: 4-July-2006.

  18. Generation, evolution and detection of entanglement in nanostructures. Presented at Karlsruhe University, Germany. Date: 18-Aprio-2006.

  19. Clauser-Horne inequality and decoherence in mesoscopic conductors. Presented at Karlsruhe University. Date: 24-May-2005.

  20. Andreev current through finite-size NS interfaces using 3D Bardeen Hamiltonian. Presented at the Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa, Italy. Date: 6-May-2004.

  21. A brief introduction to Luttinger Liquids. Presented at Clarendon Laboratory, Oxford University, UK. Date: 12-June-2002.

Contributed lectures at conferences and summer schools

  1. From Andreev to Majorana bound states in hybrid superconductor-semiconductor nanowires. Presented online at the CMD2020GEFES, Europhysics conference. Date: 01-September-2020.

  2. Quantifying Majorana non-locality in inhomogeneous nanowires with a local probe. Presented at the 20th International Conference on Superlattices, Nanostructures and Nanodevices - ICSNN2018 organized by the CSIC, Madrid (Spain). Date: 27-July-2018.

  3. Quantifying Majorana non-locality in inhomogeneous nanowires with a local probe. Presented at the conference Quantum Designer Physics organized by Donostia International Physics center, San Sebastián (Spain). Date: 18-July-2018.

  4. Measuring Majorana non-locality and spin structure with a quantum dot. Presented at the symposium Quantum Materials and Technologies organized by the Grupo Especializado de Física del Estado Sólido (GEFES) and Real Sociendad Española de Física (RSEF), Santiago de Compostela, Galicia (Spain). Date: 19-July-2017.

  5. Mapping the topological phase diagram of multiband semiconductors with supercurrents. Presented at the APS March Meeting 2014, Denver, Colorado (USA). Date: 4-March-2011.

  6. Zero Landau level in folded graphene ribbons. Presented at the conference: CECAM Charge and Spin Transport in Chemically Modified Graphene-Based Materials, Barcelona, Spain. Date: 8-April-2011.

  7. Zero Landau level in folded graphene ribbons. Presented at the APS March Meeting 2011, Dallas, Texas (USA). Date: 24-March-2011.

  8. Quantum pumping in graphene. Presented at the Graphene Week 2010, Maryland, USA. Date: 23-April-2010.

  9. Effect of inelastic scattering on spin entanglement detection through current noise . Presented at the conference: “Fundamentals of nanoelectronics”, MCRTN International School, Keszthely, Lake Balaton, Hungary. Date: 31-August-2006.

  10. Clauser-Horne inequality and decoherence in mesoscopic conductors. Presented at the conference: “Nanoscale Dynamics and Quantum Coherence”, MCRTN International Workshop, Catania, Italy. Date: 2-October-2005.

  11. Entangled electron current through finite size normal-superconductor tunnelling structures. Presented at the conference: “Nanoscale Dynamics, Coherence and Computation”, 2003 Annual Meeting, Mallorca, Spain. Date: 4-October-2003.

  12. Electron Entanglement in Superconductors. Presented at the summer school on Quantum Information in Santiago de Compostela University, Galicia, Spain. Date: 11-September-2001.


  • Quantum pumping in graphene. Presented at the Graphene Week 2010, Maryland, USA. Date: 22-April-2010.

  • Quantum pumping in graphene. Presented at the conference Graphene, Centro de Ciencias de Benasque Pedro Pascual, Benasque, Huesca, Spain, 26 July-1 August, 2009.

  • Pseudospintronics in bilayer graphene. Presented by Pablo San-Jose at the conference Graphene, Centro de Ciencias de Benasque Pedro Pascual, Benasque, Huesca, Spain, 1-8 August, 2009.

  • Strains and magnetic fields in suspended graphene. Presented by Gladys León at the conference Graphene, Centro de Ciencias de Benasque Pedro Pascual, Benasque, Huesca, Spain, 26 July-8 August, 2009.

  • Pseudo-diffusive magnetotransport in graphene. Presented at:
    • Fundamental problems of Mesoscopic Physics and Nanoelectronics, Mojacar, Spain, 11 September, 2007.
    • The Lorentz Center workshop on graphene, Leiden University, The Netherlands, 5-9 February, 2007.
  • Current conserving modelling of inelastic scattering. Presented by P. San-Jose at the conference Nanoscale Dynamics and Quantum Coherence, MCRTN International Workshop, Catania, Italy, 2-5 October, 2005.

  • Entangled Electron Current Through Finite Size NS Tunnelling Structures. Presented at:
    • Euroconference: Spin and Charge Transport in Nanostructures, Braga, 1-5 September, 2003.
    • Centenary of the Royal Spanish Society of Physics, Madrid, 7-11 July, 2003.
    • March Meeting, Austin, Texas, 4-9 May, 2003. (Presented by F. Sols.)
    • Summer school: New Directions in Mesoscopic Physics (towards nanoscience), Erice, Italy, 20 July-1 August, 2002.

Visits to other research centers

  • Three months invitation to "The Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics (KITP)" workshop on "The Physics of Graphene". Dates: from the 4th of January to the 30th of March, 2012.

  • Visit to the “Universitat de les Illes Balears”, Mallorca, Spain, to collaborate with Dr. Rosa López and Dr. David Sánchez. Dates: from the 6th to the 9th of April, 2009.

  • Visit to the “Instituto de Ciencias Materiales de Madrid”, CSIC, Spain, to collaborate with Prof. Francisco Guinea. Dates: from the 18th of December, 2006 to the 10th of January, 2007.

  • Visit to the “Instituto de Ciencias Materiales de Madrid”, CSIC, Spain, to collaborate with Prof. Francisco Guinea. Dates: from the 18th to the 22th of September, 2006.

  • Visit to the “Scuola Normale Superiore” of Pisa, Italy, to collaborate with Prof. Rosario Fazio and Dr. Fabio Taddei. Dates: from the 25th to the 30th of September, 2005.

  • Stay of two and a half months in the “Scuola Normale Superiore” of Pisa, granted by FPI grant of the CAM, to make a scientific collaboration with Professor Rosario Fazio. Dates: from the 18th of March to the 1st of June, 2004.

  • One week invitation to work with Dr. Christoph Simon (Centre of Quantum Computation) in Clarendon Laboratory, Oxford University, UK. Dates: from the 8th to the 15th of June, 2002.

PhD/Master Thesis direction

  • PhD Thesis

    • PhD student: Carlos Payá Herrero. Theme: Full-shell hybrid nanowires. Place: Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid - CSIC, Spain. Starting date: March-2023. Ongoing. Co-advisor: Ramón Aguado.

    • PhD student: Fenando Peñaranda del Río. Title: Topological superconductivity in Majorana nanowires and 2D crystals. Place: Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid - CSIC, Spain. Starting date: 11-February-2019. Ongoing. Co-advisor: Pablo San-Jose.

    • PhD student: Samuel Díaz Escribano. Title: Towards a realistic description of topological hybrid semiconductor, superconductor and ferromagnetic-insulator systems: Majorana nanowires, superlattices and two-dimensional heterostructures. Place: Condensed Matter Physics Department, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, and Insituto de Ciencias de Materiales de Madrdid - CSIC, Spain. Starting date: March-2018. PhD defense date: December-2022. Co-advisor: Alfredo Levy Yeyati.

  • Master Thesis

    • Master student: Carlos Payá Herrero. Dates: 2021-2022. Place: ICMM-CSIC. Tutor at UAM: Eduardo J. H. Lee. Ongoing.

    • Master student: Álex Rodríguez. Title: Study of chiral and crystalline topological insulating phases with the SSH4 model. Dates: 2020-2021. Place: ICMM-CSIC. Tutor at UAM: Pilar Segovia Cabrero.

    • Master student: Fernando Peñaranda. Title: Smooth confinement in Majorana nanowires. Dates: 2017-2018. Place: UAM.

    • Master student: Francisco José Martín. Title: Wave-matching approach to transport through Majorana nanowires. Dates: 2017-2018. Place: UAM. Co-advisor: Alfredo Levy Yeyati.

    • Master student: Samuel Díaz Escribano. Title: Effect of the electrostatic environment on Majorana nanowires. Dates: 2016-2017. Place: UAM. Co-advisor: Alfredo Levy Yeyati.

    • Master student: Sergio Graullera. Title: Electronic structure of Bi(111) bilayer. Dates: 2014-2015. Place: UAM. Co-advisor: Juan José Palacios.

    • Master student: Petra Dietl. Title: Numerical Studies of Electronic Transport through Graphene Nanoribbons with Disorder. Dates: 2008-2009. Place: Karlsruhe University, Germany. Co-advisors: Georgo Metalidis, Elsa Prada, Pablo San-Jose. Referee: Gerd Schön. Co-referee: Henning Schomerus.

  • Graduation Project

    • Undergrad student: Carlos José Sánchez. Theme: Majorana oscillations in full-shell nanowires. Dates: 2021-2022. Place: ICMM-CSIC. Tutor at UAM: Eduardo J. H. Lee.

    • Undergrad student: Carlos Payá Herrero. Theme: Uniones Josephson basadas en nanohilos de Majorana encapsulados. Dates: 2020-2021. Place: ICMM-CSIC. Tutor at UAM: Eduardo J. H. Lee.

    • Undergrad student: Álex Rodríguez Ortega. Theme: Topological and trivial edge states in acene and bisanthene-based polymers. Dates: 2019-2020. Place: UAM.

    • Undergrad student: Fernando Peñaranda del Río. Theme: Estudio de las propiedades de no-localidad y de la estructura de espín de los Estados Ligados de Majorana en nanohilos semiconductores mediante el acoplo con un punto cuántico. Dates: 2016-2017. Place: UAM.

    • Undergrad student: Ignacio Casal Iglesias. Theme: Confined excitons in two dimensional crystals. Dates: 2016-2017. Place: UAM.

    • Undergrad student: Ignacio Heredia Cachá. Theme: Estados ligados de Majorana en nanohilos semiconductores. Dates: 2013-2014. Place: UAM.

    • Undergrad student: Sergio Graullera Pérez. Theme: Estados ligados de Majorana en aislantes topológicos bidimensionales. Dates: 2013-2014. Place: UAM.

  • PhD Tutorship

    • PhD student: Jorge Luis Cayao Díaz. Title: Hybrid superconductor-semiconductor nanowire junctions as useful platforms to study Majorana bound states. Place: ICMM-CSIC, Madrid. Starting date: 30-Jan-2012. Defence day: 20-May-2016. Advisor: Ramón Aguado Sola.



  • Subject: Master Thesis. Compulsory subject. Master on Condensed Matter Physics and Biological Materials. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM). Dates: Annual. Direction of 1 student.

  • Subject: Graduation project. Compulsory subject. 4th year of bachelor level. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM). Dates: second semester. Direction of 1 student.


  • Subject: Master Thesis. Compulsory subject. Master on Condensed Matter Physics and Biological Materials. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM). Dates: Annual. Direction of 1 student.

  • Subject: Graduation project. Compulsory subject. 4th year of bachelor level. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM). Dates: second semester. Direction of 1 student.


  • Subject: Graduation project. Compulsory subject. 4th year of bachelor level. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM). Dates: second semester. Direction of 1 student.


  • Subject: Computation I. Compulsory subject. 1st year of bachelor. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM). Dates: Annual

  • Subject: Nanophysics. Elective subject. 4th year of bachelor level. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM). Dates: second semester. Theory imparted by Enrique García Michel and problems imparted by Elsa Prada.


  • Subject: Computation I. Compulsory subject. 1st year of bachelor. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM). Dates: Annual

  • Subject: Master Thesis. Compulsory subject. Master on Condensed Matter Physics and Biological Materials. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM). Dates: Annual. Direction of 1 student.


  • Subject: Graduation project. Compulsory subject. 4th year of bachelor level. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM). Dates: second semester. Direction of 2 students.

  • Subject: Master Thesis. Compulsory subject. Master on Condensed Matter Physics and Biological Materials. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM). Dates: Annual. Co-direction of 2 students.


  • Subject: Computation I. Compulsory subject. 1st year of bachelor. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM). Dates: Annual

  • Subject: Nanophysics. Elective subject. 4th year of bachelor level. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM). Dates: second semester. Theory imparted by Enrique García Michel and problems imparted by Elsa Prada.

  • Subject: Graduation project. Compulsory subject. 4th year of bachelor level. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM). Dates: second semester. Direction of 2 students.


  • Subject: Computation I. Compulsory subject. 1st year of bachelor level. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM). Dates: second semester.

  • Subject: Nanophysics. Elective subject. 4th year of bachelor level. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM). Dates: second semester. Theory imparted by Enrique García Michel and problems imparted by Elsa Prada.


  • Subject: Numerical simulations in materials and nanostructures. Master course on advanced materials and nanotechnologies, that belongs to the Applied Physics department at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM). Dates: from the 8th to the 26th of November, 2010.